(302) 304-1010
Wilmington Main Store: 151 Edgemoor Rd, Wilmington DE 19809
Milford Store By Appt.: 8 NE Salevan Pl, Milford DE 19963
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Due to tariffs enacted by the President, we predict that the entire appliance industry will be impacted by significant and unpredictable price increases now and in the immediate future.

These price increases will affect not just us, but all other appliance retailers and also the prices of most or possibly all other manufactured goods nationwide.

Note that this may cause prices to change without notice, even before listed sale end dates, and is completely outside of our control. We cannot guarantee price stability in the future and unfortunately cannot honor previously published prices or prior quotes if tariffs force us or our vendors to raise prices.

The only way to lock in your price is to place your order. We thank you for your understanding.
Reminder: Sale prices expire at 5:00 PM EST on the listed date, 4:00 PM EST on Sundays.
Free Local Delivery Details

You'll automatically receive free local delivery on any order containing a refrigerator, laundry pair, laundry center, or massage chair, to any residential address located within 50 miles of our store. You can purchase any combination of the above and more and recieve this offer. Two washers and no dryer? No problem. A fridge and a pile of accessories? Bring it on. You can also recieve this offer if you purchase five or more major appliances such as microwaves, cooktops, dishwashers, etc.

For orders that don't contain any of these items, we can deliver within our standard local delivery area for a flat rate of $70. For applicable orders, this rate will automatically be applied to your total in your shopping cart.

Standard local delivery is defined as delivery to any residential address within 50 miles of our store, to first floor or equivalent only, or locations where an elevator large enough for your products is accessible. There is an additional charge of $20 per floor for any locations where heavy/bulky appliances must be carried up stairs. Since this is assessed at the delivery location, we cannot pre-charge you for this fee and it is payable directly to the delivery personnel.

We use independent, third party delivery contractors to facilitiate your delivery. We are unable to waive or alter delivery fees or charges for any reason, since they are at the sole discretion of the delivery company. We appreciate your understanding for this policy.

Save Even More With Our Pick Up Discount!

For any order that would qualify for free local delivery, we'll give you a $70 discount if you or your contractor pick it up instead. If your order doesn't qualify for free delivery, you can pick it up at our store to avoid delivery charges. Your pick up discounts, if applicable, will be automatically applied when you check out.

You can pick up any time during normal business hours. Our store is open six days per week: Weekdays, and Saturdays. Please note that you must present a copy of your invoice and a valid photo ID for all pick up orders.

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Content copyright © BigCentric Appliance. Additional copyright restrictions may apply on product images.
Content displayed reflects current information. Not responsible for errors or omissions.
*Prices shown may include mail-in rebates or limited time promotions. Current prices subject to change without notice.
Tel: (302) 304-1010 Txt: (484) 999-0969 | Store Locations | sales@bigcentric.com