(302) 304-1010
Wilmington Main Store: 151 Edgemoor Rd, Wilmington DE 19809
Milford Store By Appt.: 8 NE Salevan Pl, Milford DE 19963
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Due to tariffs enacted by the President, we predict that the entire appliance industry will be impacted by significant and unpredictable price increases now and in the immediate future.

These price increases will affect not just us, but all other appliance retailers and also the prices of most or possibly all other manufactured goods nationwide.

Note that this may cause prices to change without notice, even before listed sale end dates, and is completely outside of our control. We cannot guarantee price stability in the future and unfortunately cannot honor previously published prices or prior quotes if tariffs force us or our vendors to raise prices.

The only way to lock in your price is to place your order. We thank you for your understanding.
Reminder: Sale prices expire at 5:00 PM EST on the listed date, 4:00 PM EST on Sundays.

Information Center

Problems With Your Appliance?

What to do if you experience trouble with your product(s).
Rebate Help and Instructions

Our most requested feature: Detailed instructions for completing the most common types of rebate programs.
Rebate Forms

Here you can obtain copies of rebate forms for all manufacturer and mail-in rebate programs offered on the products we sell, both current and historical. If you need a replacement rebate form you can find it here. Please pay particular attention to the postmark dates on rebates. Rebates are offered and fulfilled by product manufacturers and are not under the control of BigCentric. Rebate eligibility is deteremined solely by the manufacturer or issuing agency.
Where To Find Your Serial Numbers

Product serial numbers are required for all manufacturer and mail-in rebates. Sometimes serial numbers can be hidden or hard to find on appliances, but we can help! Inside, find a guide to common locations for serial numbers on different types of appliances manufactured by many brands.
Appliance Measurement Guide

With our measurement guide, demystify the job of measuring for new appliances. It is not only important to carefully measure the spaces where your appliances will go, but also the entryways and pathways into your house or building. Delivery and installation can be complicated or impossible if your appliances can't be brought into the building. Inside, find information on common appliance dimensions, paths and places you should measure, and a checklist you can use to ensure that the models you select will fit your space and your delivery will go smoothly.
Frequently Asked Questions

It's okay to have questions. Inside, find answers to common questions about our ordering process, deliveries, pricing, policies, and more.
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Content copyright © BigCentric Appliance. Additional copyright restrictions may apply on product images.
Content displayed reflects current information. Not responsible for errors or omissions.
*Prices shown may include mail-in rebates or limited time promotions. Current prices subject to change without notice.
Tel: (302) 304-1010 Txt: (484) 999-0969 | Store Locations | sales@bigcentric.com