(302) 304-1010
Wilmington Main Store: 151 Edgemoor Rd, Wilmington DE 19809
Milford Store By Appt.: 8 NE Salevan Pl, Milford DE 19963
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Due to tariffs enacted by the President, we predict that the entire appliance industry will be impacted by significant and unpredictable price increases now and in the immediate future.

These price increases will affect not just us, but all other appliance retailers and also the prices of most or possibly all other manufactured goods nationwide.

Note that this may cause prices to change without notice, even before listed sale end dates, and is completely outside of our control. We cannot guarantee price stability in the future and unfortunately cannot honor previously published prices or prior quotes if tariffs force us or our vendors to raise prices.

The only way to lock in your price is to place your order. We thank you for your understanding.
Reminder: Sale prices expire at 5:00 PM EST on the listed date, 4:00 PM EST on Sundays.
Important Maytag Rebate Information

Maytag offers mail-in rebates during select times of the year which are typically package based. These rebates run concurrently with and can be combined with NECO rebate programs.

Maytag manufacturer's rebates can be submitted either online (recommended) or by mail.

Apply For Your Maytag Rebate Online: Step-by-Step

You will require the following to complete this rebate:
  • A copy of your sales invoice in electronic form. You may use a .pdf supplied to you by our store, use your scanner to create a digital copy, or take a picture of your paper invoice or even take a picture of your screen with your smart phone.
  • The serial numbers from each eligible appliance. For information on locating your serial numbers, click here.
  • A valid email address that you have access to and check regularly. Maytag rebates cannot be completed without an email address. Do not use a fake address. Rebate status updates are sent to you via email, as well as confirmation of your rebate application.
If you do not have these materials, STOP and obtain them. You will not be able to complete this rebate application without the materials above.

If you are missing your product serial numbers because your product has not yet been delivered, submit your rebate anyway. There is an option to tell the rebate processor that your products are still back ordered. In this case, you must still supply your product serial numbers after your product(s) become available. However, your initial rebate application must be made before the deadline.

This rebate application can be submitted online. The web address is located on your rebate form. For your reference, the web address for this rebate is:


(This link will open in a new window.)

Navigate to the web address listed on your rebate form. The landing page will appear as shown below.

When you are ready to begin your rebate, click on the blue button marked "Continue" below the "submit rebate" heading.

The first screen requires you to enter the retailer from which you purchased your product. Enter the ZIP code of our store, 19809, in the first box and then click "search."

Click the drop down box that appears and select "ADC - 151 EDGEMOOR RD - WILMINGTON." This information will match our store's address as printed on your sales invoice.

Click on the box below to reveal a calendar, which will assist you in entering your purchase date. Select your purchase date as printed on your sales invoice. Do not enter your delivery date or any other date. Entering an incorrect date will cause your rebate application to be rejected. For help understanding the parts of your sales invoice, click here.

Verify that the information you have entered is correct, and then click "Continue" to proceed.

The next screen asks you to select the rebate promotion for which your product qualifies. At most times of year there is only one promotion running at a time, so there will be only one option. If there is more than one option, select the one that exactly matches your rebate form. If no options are available that match your rebate form, the application deadline for your particular rebate may have passed.

Click the blue button marked "Submit Online" below the correct rebate program for your purchase to continue.

This screen requires you to enter the category, model, and serial number for each rebate eligible appliance on your purchase.

Begin with the first appliance on your invoice. From left to right, use the drop down boxes to accurately specify the correct type of appliance. Enter the serial number of your appliance in the rightmost box. Be sure to enter the full serial number. Your serial numbers are located on your appliances and on the boxes your appliances arrived in. If you need help locating the serial numbers on your appliances, click here for more information.

The annotations on the above example match those found on our example invoice. For help understanding your sales invoice, click here for more information.

You must only match the first several letters of your model number with the options provided. The remaining letters are your color code and are not important for the rebate application process.

If you are not sure which models are eligible for this rebate, the full list of eligible models is listed on the rebate form.

To add another appliance to your rebate application, click the button marked "Add Appliance."

Repeat the above steps until you have entered every eligible appliance on your invoice.

Proceed to this step only after you have entered every eligible item from your invoice.

Verify that all of your appliances, model numbers, and serial numbers appear in the list under "My Appliance(s)." Then click the blue button marked "Continue" to proceed.

This step requires you to enter your contact information.

Fill out your contact information as it is printed in either the "Bill To" (position C) or "Ship To" (position D) areas on your invoice.

The address you enter must match either the "Bill To" or "Ship To" address as printed on your invoice. Do not enter any other address. Entering a different address will cause your rebate application to be rejected.

You must also enter your email address and telephone number.

The email address you enter must be a real address that you have access to and check regularly. Do not enter a fake or inaccessible email address. If there is a problem with your rebate, the provider will contact you via email. If you are not able to receive this email you will not be able to resolve the problem, and your rebate will not be paid.

If you wish to receive status updates on your rebate, you must select either the "text" or "email" check boxes. We recommend checking the "email" box before you proceed.

The remainder of this screen is an optional survey. You do not have to answer any of the questions in the survey, but may do so if you desire. Your answers do not affect your rebate or the speed at which it is processed. BigCentric does not see your answers to the survey.

The remainder of the page is very long. Scroll all the way down until you find the blue button marked "Continue" and click it to proceed.

The next screen is a review of the information you have entered so far. Take a moment to verify that the information you entered is correct including your product model numbers and serial numbers, purchase date, and contact information.

After you have reviewed the information listed, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the blue button marked "Continue" to proceed.

This final step requires you to upload an electronic copy of your invoice. The option to upload via SMS picture message using your cell phone is also provided; However, these instructions cover uploading via file only.

An electronic copy of your invoice is required in an accessible location on your computer or smart phone for this step. If you do not have an electronic copy of your invoice you may create one by taking a picture of your paper invoice with your smart phone, or you may request a copy be emailed to you by contacting the store.

Click the button marked "Digital Upload."

Requirements for your invoice are displayed on the left side of your screen. Our invoices meet the requirements stipulated by the rebate provider. Click the button marked "Select File(s)."

A file selection dialog box will appear. Its appearance may differ from the example above depending on your device or operating system version. Select the file containing your electronic invoice, or a picture thereof.

Ensure that the file you have selected appears below the "Select File(s)" button as in the beige area in the example above. If your invoice contains multiple pages, be sure to include all of the pages. You may click "Select File(s)" again to attach additional files if required.

Click the button marked "Submit" to proceed.

This last screen contains a confirmation of your rebate application and a summary of the program details, as well as a description of the processing time frame and instructions for online tracking. The telephone number of the rebate provider is also displayed.

Your rebate's submission ID is also displayed on this page, in the location underlined in red in the example above. Record this number and keep it in a safe place. Your rebate submission ID is required to check the status of your rebate online, and is also required if you must call the rebate provider for any reason

Congratulations! Your rebate application is complete.

Allow up to 16 weeks from the date of application to receive payment.

Apply For Your Maytag Rebate By Mail: Step-by-Step

The Maytag manufacturer's rebate(s) may also be submitted by mail. However, we recommend online application as it is faster and also results in positive confirmation that your rebate application was received.

If you still wish you apply by mail, you may use the following instructions.

You will require the following to complete this rebate:
  • A copy of your sales invoice on paper. This must be included with your rebate application. Make a copy; do not send your original.
  • The serial numbers from each eligible appliance. For information on locating your serial numbers, click here.
  • A copy of the applicable rebate form. If you require a new copy or have lost your rebate form, click here to obtain rebate forms online.
If you do not have these materials, STOP and obtain them. You will not be able to complete this rebate application without the materials above.

There is required information that must be filled out on the rear side or bottom half of the rebate form. The appearance of the rebate form may vary depending on the current promotion and may differ from the examples shown here.

Required information includes the model numbers (E) and serial numbers (L) for each eligible item purchased, as well as your purchase date (B), which must match what is printed on your sales invoice. Fill these out completely and legibly. If you need help locating your product serial numbers, click here for information.

The annotations on this example correspond to the locations noted on our example invoice. If you require more information or help understanding your sales invoice, click here.

Your product serial numbers are required to complete the form. Do not mail the form without filling out all of your appliance's serial numbers in the spaces provided. It is normal to have some fields left over that correspond to products that you did not purchase, but ensure that every applicable product you purchased is represented on the form. Missing product serial numbers will result in rejection of your rebate.

Ensure that you have filled out all of the fields on the rebate form including your full contact information as it appears on your invoice, product serial numbers, and model numbers. Incomplete rebate forms will be rejected by the rebate provider.

The address you fill out must match the address printed on your invoice, either the "Bill To" (C) or "Ship To" (D) addresses. Do not use any other address. Do not use a PO box address. Mismatched, incomplete, or incorrect addresses will result in rejection or non-payment.

You are also required to fill out the name of the retailer from which you purchased your appliances. This field is circled in red in the example above. Write "BigCentric, Inc." in this space.

Before mailing your rebate application, be sure to make a copy of the form and your invoice for your records.

The mailing address is located on the form in the area circled on the example form below:

Do not attempt to use the above image to determine the correct mailing address; it is an example only, and each rebate promotion has a different mailing address. Use the address located on your own rebate form.

Include both the rebate form, completely filled out according to the instructions, and a copy of your sales invoice. Do not staple or paperclip any of the pages together. Use the correct postage and mail to the address noted on your rebate form.

Congratulations! Your rebate application has been submitted.

Allow up to 16 weeks for processing and payment. The rebate provider will contact you by mail at the address you included on your rebate form if there is a problem with your application.

Checking The Status Of Your Maytag Rebate: Step-by-Step

You may check the status of your Maytag rebate online easily. Note that you can only check the status online if you originally submitted your rebate online; Applications submitted by mail cannot be checked with this method. You will require the following to check the status of your rebate:

  • Your contact information as entered when you initially submitted your rebate application.
Rebate status may be obtained online. Navigate to Maytags's web site using the address below:


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the button marked "Continue" under the heading "Check Rebate Status."

Enter either your full telephone number (A) as you entered it when originally submitting your rebate application, or your name, address, and ZIP code (B) as you entered them when originally submitting your rebate application. Then click either of the blue "Continue" buttons.

Your rebate's status will be displayed. If you are unable to progress past the previous step, double check that you have entered your address number or telephone number correctly. Remember, the information you enter must be the same as what you entered when you originally submitted your rebate application.

For further information, contact the rebate provider directly. Do not contact the store. Click here for contact information.

If You Have a Problem

If you encounter technical difficulties or an error, are unable to complete your rebate application, or require assistance with a payment issue, you must contact Maytag directly.

Do not contact the store for rebate inquires. BigCentric is not your rebate provider and does not have access to any information regarding your rebate.

You may obtain assistance with your Maytag rebate online by visiting Maytag's web site, or call and obtain assistance via the telephone. Contact information is located on your rebate form. For your reference, the contact information for this rebate provider is below:

Web Site: maytag.rewardpromo.com

Telephone: (888) 336-4998

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Content copyright © BigCentric Appliance. Additional copyright restrictions may apply on product images.
Content displayed reflects current information. Not responsible for errors or omissions.
*Prices shown may include mail-in rebates or limited time promotions. Current prices subject to change without notice.
Tel: (302) 304-1010 Txt: (484) 999-0969 | Store Locations | sales@bigcentric.com