(302) 304-1010
Wilmington Main Store: 151 Edgemoor Rd, Wilmington DE 19809
Milford Store By Appt.: 8 NE Salevan Pl, Milford DE 19963
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Due to tariffs enacted by the President, we predict that the entire appliance industry will be impacted by significant and unpredictable price increases now and in the immediate future.

These price increases will affect not just us, but all other appliance retailers and also the prices of most or possibly all other manufactured goods nationwide.

Note that this may cause prices to change without notice, even before listed sale end dates, and is completely outside of our control. We cannot guarantee price stability in the future and unfortunately cannot honor previously published prices or prior quotes if tariffs force us or our vendors to raise prices.

The only way to lock in your price is to place your order. We thank you for your understanding.
Reminder: Sale prices expire at 5:00 PM EST on the listed date, 4:00 PM EST on Sundays.
Having Problems With Your Appliance?

Do not return your appliance to the store. Your appliance has a manufacturer's warranty that covers mechanical breakdowns within the specified warranty period, which is typically one year. Resolution is achieved via the manufacturer with on-site service. Contact your appliance's manufacturer to schedule a service call.

Repairable cosmetic or mechanical defects do not qualify your items for return. Before we accept any return there must be at least one service trip to diagnose and repair your appliance. Repairs are done on-site in your home or at the location of the appliance by the manufacturer, or a repair agency appointed by the manufacturer.

BigCentric does not repair or refurbish any product. Contact your product's manufacturer directly to schedule an on-site service call. Within the manufacturer's warranty period, this service has no cost.

Cosmetic Damage Discovered Upon Delivery

If you discover any cosmetic damage, missing parts, missing items, or incorrect items, contact us immediately!

If you discover cosmetic damage such as scratches, dents, scuffs; missing handles, shelves, manuals, or other parts; missing or incorrect appliances, you must report to our store within 48 hours of delivery or pickup. Cosmetic damage to field replaceable items such as handles, doors, grates, toe kicks, etc. does not qualify your item for return. The damaged or missing items will be replaced by the manufacturer.

Please be sure to thoroughly inspect all of your merchandise as soon as possible after delivery, preferably at the time of delivery. Damage, shortage, or incorrect item claims cannot be accepted beyond 48 hours from the time of delivery or pickup.

Note that this does not apply to defects discovered after the appliance is installed and used, or cosmetic defects discovered beyond 48 hours from the time of delivery/pickup. In that case, contact the manufacturer for resolution.

Who To Contact For Repairs

We understand that having a problem with your appliance can be frustrating. You rely on your appliances every day, it's inconvenient to be without one for any length of time.

We recommend working directly with the manufacturer of your appliance to get service scheduled and resolve your issue as soon as possible. We don't recommend calling the store -- adding an extra middleman makes the process slower, and you have knowledge of your own schedule and availability while we do not.

Contact telephone numbers for the most popular brands we carry are listed below for your convenience:

BrandTelephoneService Web Site
(866) 616-2664http://owners.amana.com/owners/
(800) 898-1879https://us.asko.com/customer-support/service-claim
(800) 220-5570http://www.avantiproducts.com/service
(800) 944-2904https://www.bosch-home.com/us/owner-support/repair-service
(800) 637-1453http://www.broan.com/Support/Customer-Service
(800) 432-2737https://genet.geappliances.com/eService/Service/productSelection?Login=Guest
(800) 263-2629https://www.danby.com/en-us/support/
(877) 435-3287https://www.electrolux.com/en/service-locator
(888) 842-3577https://support.elementelectronics.com/hc/en-us
(866) 570-6401https://elica.com/US-en/support
(800) 374-4432https://www.frigidaire.com/Owner-Center/Parts-Service--Repair/
(800) 374-4432
(800) 374-4432
(800) 432-2737http://www.geappliances.com/ge/service-and-support/service.htm
(800) 432-2737http://www.geappliances.com/ge/service-and-support/service.htm
(866) 342-4089https://www.gladiatorgarageworks.com/customer-service/contact-us/
(800) 432-2737https://www.hotpoint.com/appliance-support/
(603) 910-5000infinitymassagechairs.com/warranty-info
(800) 558-5700https://www.insinkerator.com/us/en/find-service-agency
(800) 422-1230http://www.kitchenaid.com/customer-service/
(800) 243-0000https://www.lg.com/us/support/repair-service/schedule-repair-mylg-login
(800) 223-3900https://www.agamarvel.com/marvel/customer-care/service-locator/
(800) 344-1274https://www.maytag.com/owners.html
(866) 646-4332https://www.midea.com/us/support
(800) 999-1360https://www.mieleusa.com/domestic/customer-service-21.htm
(866) 820-8686https://www.napoleongrills.com/support
(800) 858-5844https://www.premierrange.com/service.php
(800) 618-6789https://www.royalgourmetcorp.com/service
(800) 726-7864https://www.samsung.com/us/support/warranty/
(800) 237-4277http://www.sharpusa.com/Support/servicelocations.aspx
(844) 455-6097https://www.silhouetteappliances.com/us/consumer-care-center/
(888) 763-4782https://www.smegusa.com/after-sales/
(800) 552-5475https://speedqueen.com/support/find-service.aspx
(800) 932-4267https://www.summitappliance.com/support
(877) 288-8099https://thorkitchen.com/service/
(855) 969-5185https://tytusgrills.com/pages/support
(800) 779-2547https://www.u-line.com/servicers/
(631) 254-3434https://veronaappliances.com/service-verona
(800) 446-1071https://www.weber.com/US/en/help/warranties/
(800) 253-1301https://www.whirlpool.com/owners.html
(888) 880-8368 x1001https://zephyronline.com/customer-care/
(614) 777-5004https://zlinekitchen.com/contact
(Information is provided as a courtesy only. Mfg. contact telephone numbers and web sites subject to change without notice, and are the responsibility of the manufacturer. Information listed here does not imply or guarantee warranty coverage for any particular issue. Warranty information is provided by the manufacturer in the package with every product sold, and additional contact and warranty information may be found in your product's owner's manual.)
Please note that BigCentric is not the manufacturer of your product and does not provide or imply any warranty, or guarantee of merchantability, fitment, or suitability for any purpose. All merchandise is sold in new-in-box condition from the manufacturer unless otherwise noted. Your product warranty is provided by the product's manufacturer, or extended warranty company if such an extended warranty is purchased, and is subject to the terms contained therein. Contact your product's manufacturer for details. Read more in our terms and conditions.
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Content copyright © BigCentric Appliance. Additional copyright restrictions may apply on product images.
Content displayed reflects current information. Not responsible for errors or omissions.
*Prices shown may include mail-in rebates or limited time promotions. Current prices subject to change without notice.
Tel: (302) 304-1010 Txt: (484) 999-0969 | Store Locations | sales@bigcentric.com