(302) 304-1010
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Milford Store By Appt.: 8 NE Salevan Pl, Milford DE 19963
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Due to tariffs enacted by the President, we predict that the entire appliance industry will be impacted by significant and unpredictable price increases now and in the immediate future.

These price increases will affect not just us, but all other appliance retailers and also the prices of most or possibly all other manufactured goods nationwide.

Note that this may cause prices to change without notice, even before listed sale end dates, and is completely outside of our control. We cannot guarantee price stability in the future and unfortunately cannot honor previously published prices or prior quotes if tariffs force us or our vendors to raise prices.

The only way to lock in your price is to place your order. We thank you for your understanding.
Reminder: Sale prices expire at 5:00 PM EST on the listed date, 4:00 PM EST on Sundays.

Rebate Help & Information

Do not contact the store if your rebate was rejected, for questions regarding rebate status, or rebate payments. BigCentric is not your rebate provider and does not have access to ANY rebate status or payment information. Contact your rebate provider directly. Contact information is located on your rebate form or rebate provider's web site. Click here for more information.

An Important Message Regarding Back Orders

If you have not taken delivery of your products yet due to stock shortages or back orders, but a rebate deadline is approaching: Submit your rebate anyway.

All rebate programs have a method with which to tell the processor that you are still waiting for back ordered product to arrive. Due to the current pandemic situation, your products may be delayed beyond the application deadline of your rebate(s). In this case, do not wait for your products to arrive before submitting your rebate(s). Rebate deadlines will not be extended due to back order delays. You will have the opportunity to supply your product serial numbers after your merchandise arrives; however, your initial application must still be made before the deadline.

You will need the following materials to complete your mail-in rebate(s):
General Rebate Information

Mail-in or online rebates are a very popular promotion offered by many appliance manufacturers. Via rebates, you can save a significant amount of money on your appliance or appliance package purchase. You will see information about rebate programs throughout our web site including on individual items, in your shopping cart, and on appliance packages.

Claiming your rebate(s) requires action on your part and is not automatic. You must apply for any available rebates for which your purchase is eligible that you wish to receive. Applying for your rebates is not difficult, but you must remember to do it within the time alloted by the manufacturer or rebate provider. There are some important facts to remember about your mail-in rebates:

Thousands of our customers have successfully applied for and received their mail-in rebates and you can, too! This page contains a wealth of information that can help you accurately complete your mail-in rebate(s).

Important: Take pictures of the serial number labels on your products for your records -- not the serial number labels on the boxes. You may be required to provide proof of your product serial numbers for some rebate programs. This is especially important if you will not have access to your appliances, e.g. if they are in a rental property or property you have sold.
You will need the following materials to complete your mail-in rebate(s):
Repeat Buyers and Commercial Customers

All rebate programs specifically exclude commercial buyers and commercial entities. Rebates are designed by the manufactuers for and to apply to individual consumers. This means that you cannot apply for any rebate program under the following conditions:

Per manufacturer policies, commercial buyers are not eligible for consumer rebates. This includes property investors or house flippers. While rebate providers "may" approve your application under these circumstances, technically this is against the rules and therefore we cannot guarantee commercial purchasers will have their rebate applications approved. BigCentric is not in control of these policies and cannot make exceptions, regardless of the quantity or dollar amount of current or any other prior purchase(s). If you are commercial buyer, we advise selecting products that are not dependent on rebates.

Additionally, the rules of most rebate programs generally stipulate that consumers can qualify for only one (1) rebate application per promotion. Multiple purchases during the same rebate promotion are disqualified.

Step-by-Step Rebate Instructions

We have prepared a set of illustrated instructions for the most common rebate programs on offer. Note that providers change the look of their web sites or paper forms from time to time, so your experience may vary from the illustrated instructions provided. However, the basic procedure is always similar.

For detailed instructions, please click the logo that matches the provider of your rebate below.






(Coming Soon)
Understanding Your Invoice

You are provided with a copy of your sales invoice with every purchase. All rebate programs require a copy of your sales invoice as proof of purchase, either electronically (if your rebate is submitted online) or on paper (if submitted by mail). If you have lost your invoice or require an electronic copy of your invoice but did not receive one, contact the store or your salesperson for a replacement copy.

Your sales invoice follows a consistent format. Information from your invoice may be required to complete various rebate programs. For your reference, the location of important information found on your invoice is illustrated below.

Example Invoice

This example invoice is for illustration purposes only. Do not attempt to use numbers or information from the image above to complete your rebate. Use the paper or electronic copy provided with your order.

Invoice NumberMost rebate programs will require your invoice number, which uniquely identifies your purchase.
Purchase DateYour purchase date is used to determine your eligibility within the time frame of the rebate program.
Your Billing InformationNote that when you enter your contact information into the rebate processor's web site or write it on the rebate form, it must match either the billing or shipping information printed on your invoice. Do not enter a different address or PO box, or your application will be rejected by the rebate provider.
Your Delivery InformationIf you pick your order up from our warehouse, this area will be blank. This is normal.
Model NumbersYour model numbers identify the products you purchased. They appear on your invoice in the same format they must be entered into the rebate processor's web site or written on the rebate form.
Model DescriptionsYou can use the model description to help you identify which item is which if you don't know what the model numbers mean.
Purchase PricesMost rebate programs require you to enter the price at which you purchased each appliance.
Purchase TotalsImportant: Ensure that the copy of your invoice that you provide to the rebate processor shows that your purchase is paid in full. If "Amount Due" does not show zero and you have paid for your order, contact the store or your salesperson to get a paid in full invoice. If you have not paid for your order in full you will not be able to complete your rebates and your application will be rejected by the rebate processor.
Parts LineThis line shows the free parts that are included with your order. It is not necessary for rebate entry; Do not enter it into your rebate application.
Delivery LinesThis line shows your delivery charge(s) if a applicable, and the "free delivery" line below will show if your order has qualified for free delivery. It is not necessary for rebate entry; Do not enter it into your rebate application.
Referral LineThis line is used for internal record keeping and shows if someone referred you to our store or website, or how you found us via advertising, internet search, or otherwise. It does not affect your order, pricing, or rebates. It is not necessary for rebate entry; Do not enter it into your rebate application.
Where To Get Rebate Forms

The manufacturer or rebate processor provides rebate forms that contain program rules and guidelines, purchase dates, application deadlines, and other information. There are four ways to obtain copies of the rebate forms applicable to your purchase:

Where To Find Serial Numbers

Your appliance serial numbers can be found in either of two places:
Note that your appliance serial numbers are required for all mail-in rebate programs.

Click here to view our illustrated guide showing the most common locations for model and serial number locations on a variety of products.
Where Is My Rebate?

If you have questions about the status of your rebate, you must contact your rebate provider directly. All manufacturer rebate programs that allow online rebate applications also allow you to view the status of your rebate via the internet. Procedures for this vary, so visit your rebate provider's web site for more information.

Please remember that BigCentric is not your rebate provider and cannot provide rebate status information. Do not contact the store for rebate status questions.

Here is some information about rebate program payment:

What To Do If Your Rebate Is Rejected or Declined

Do not contact the store for questions regarding rebate status or payment. BigCentric is not your rebate provider and does not have access to rebate status or payment information. Contact your rebate provider directly. Contact information is located on your rebate form, rebate provider's web site, or below.

If there is a problem with your rebate application, you will receive a communication by either mail or e-mail from the rebate provider. We understand this is frustrating, but you must remember to contact the correct party to resolve the issue. Most rebate rejections are due to entry or typographical errors and are quickly and easily resolved by contacting the rebate provider.

Common reasons for rebate rejection include:
For help resolving any issues with your rebate(s), contact your rebate provider directly. For your convenience, the contact information for most rebate providers are below. Please be sure to select the correct rebate provider, especially if your purchase was eligible for more than one rebate.

ProviderTelephone NumberWeb SiteEmail
NECO(855) 359-7131necoonlinerebates.comnecorebates@360incentives.com
LG Appliances(833) 900-2426lg-promos.com
GE Appliances(866) 319-9259geappliancepromotions.com
Maytag(888) 336-4998maytag.rewardpromo.com
KitchenAid(888) 336-4998kitchenaid.rewardpromo.com
Samsung(866) 888-5503samsungpromotions.com
Frigidaire(866) 226-7076frigidairepromotions.com
Whirlpool(888) 336-4998whirlpool.rewardpromo.com
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Content copyright © BigCentric Appliance. Additional copyright restrictions may apply on product images.
Content displayed reflects current information. Not responsible for errors or omissions.
*Prices shown may include mail-in rebates or limited time promotions. Current prices subject to change without notice.
Tel: (302) 304-1010 Txt: (484) 999-0969 | Store Locations | sales@bigcentric.com